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At Audiofeed…

We view our audience, artists, and volunteers as family.  So we take the health and safety of everyone at the event very seriously.  As we have monitored the spread of Covid-19 and the cancellations of group gatherings in our area well into the summer, it has become clear that our early July date for an inter-state and international gathering of our size is neither consistent with our core values, nor likely to be allowed.

We have worked with key partners to develop a plan to move Audiofeed 2020 to September 4-6, the Friday-Sunday before Labor Day, with early access Sept. 3rd.  We have already contacted our artists and are working to bring every artist we that was booked for July to the new dates in September. The new lineup will be posted after all fundraising efforts and logistical changes with bands are complete.

That being said, we are also facing the loss much of our primary funding source - a single family that has funded approx. $40,000 of the cost of Audiofeed each year.  That funding came from the income of a small business that has been impacted by the economics of the pandemic and will be available at a significantly reduced level this year.  We will soon be rolling out a fundraiser to support Audiofeed at the same level of production you've seen in the past. The fundraiser will determine what artists and what level of production we can afford - but we will gather in September regardless of the outcome of the fundraising effort.

We value you, and we already miss seeing our friends that gather here every year.  We are deeply disappointed that the changes are necessary, but are committed to gathering to see each other this year and hopeful that the disruption and isolation we are currently in will lead us to a deeper appreciation of the love and unity at Audiofeed.

To stay up to date on coming announcements and changes, sign up to receive email updates.

Peace and Grace,

The Audiofeed Team